Rent A Classic Car, prices & terms

We put classic and sports cars within everyone’s reach!

Rent A Car Classic is owning all the vehicles offered for rent. We don’t charge a supplementary fee on the already extortionate price that an individual collector requires most of the time in order to rent out his car… Provided that he will of course drive it himself!!! We rent out the cars from our collection without chauffeur, these vehicles are belonging to us without financial costs, and since this capital doesn’t depreciate we can offer prices comparable to a “normal”rental, 5 to 10 times less expensive than the “prestige” or “supercar” rentals!
Rental rates 1 day 3 days 7 days Extra day Deposit

All rates are in €uros, special prices from 7 days and “out of season” (December to March), contact us …

Services rates
Car handover (functionning, driving,equipment …) FREE!
GPS ( handled GPS with France & Italy maps ) FREE!
Maps & guides FREE!
Chauffeur On request

Rental terms

Mileage limit: all our rentals include 125 kilometers per day ! Beyond, single rate of 2,50 € per kilometer !

The rental day: the minimum rental duration is the rental day, the rental day lasts 24 hours, it starts at the car’s departure, after the handover/presentation.

Minimum age: 25 for the Cobra, the DS Chapron, the E-Type, the Mercedes 190 SL, the Rolls Royce, the Aston Martin and the Ferrari, 21 for all the others.

Documentation: a valid driving licence held for more than one year and a second valid ID.

Insurance: the insurance, which represents 30 % of the rental amount, is included in the price. A deductible stays at the renter’s expenses in case of theft or damages of which he is responsible. In this case the deposit is never integraly debited, only the actual value of the fixing is owed after agreement on a repair

The deposit: it corresponds to the deductible amount and is only a pre-authorization demand on your credit card (or two credit cards if necessary), no money is effectively taken from your account.

Parking: from three days of rental and up a free parking is at your disposal on request for your “daily driver”, please ask us about availability…

Booking / cancellation: in case of a cancellation less than one week before the scheduled date of departure, the rental amount will be owed in full. But in any case, all the amounts debt after a cancellation will always be converted in a voucher for a next rental !